It takes two to tango…
It takes two to tango. I have heard that often in response to the challenges of trying to communicate or work with someone who wasn’t receptive to the efforts made. It can be understandable in these situations to give up, and either settle for a less than fulfilling...
What are you creating…?
A new client has been reading my blogs and asked about one I wrote a few weeks ago - Your focus creates your reality She asked for examples to help explain it, because “If I was creating it, why would I be making the crappy things happen in my life”. So, an...
Choose growth instead of comfort
Why is it that we can set ourselves goals we’d love to achieve, and yet fail to take the steps to make them happen? We have an idea of what we’d like to create, and even how we can begin to move towards it. And yet we don’t. Why is that? It’s because we choose comfort...
Winter is here……What will it mean for you?
Here in Australia, today marks the first day of winter. In many parts of Australia winter is nothing like the winters of the northern hemisphere. We hardly have snow, and ice skating is something that happens in ice skating rinks! But as the days become shorter and...
Your focus creates your reality
What determines what you get in life? Knowledge, drive, determination, courage, application, luck….? Many of these are key components, but the critical element is your focus. What you focus on determines what you achieve. You will know of stories of people who didn’t...
Awareness is key
When a small child has a tantrum, they can scream, stamp their feet, curl up and hide, throw things…. A carer who is aware will often be able to recognise that the toddler is tired or hungry, or anxious about something. In this context, the tantrum is not ‘bad’...
Receiving v Perfection
When I went to capture this glorious sunrise, I bemoaned the light poles and parking lines taking away from the beauty of the scene. When those elements are removed in the second photo, is the sunrise any less beautiful? What I registered after having that internal...
How to take control
My mother had a poem in the kitchen that said - “God grant me the serenity To accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can and Wisdom to know the difference” With a tribe of kids to care for and a constant juggle for money, there was so...
Your true nature
Would you like people to love and appreciate you more? Would you like to enjoy more joyful, connected relationships? The journey begins with you. With loving and appreciating yourself just as you are. This warty, lumpy succulent is not the most attractive plant. It’s...