Regardless of the goals you achieve and the relationships you value, you seem to keep meeting the same challenges.
Deep down you know there’s a richer way to live, where you feel truly connected to yourself and others, and you’re doing more of what you love. But you’re unsure how to get there.
If you’re ready to access the tools that you can use in your daily life to experience emotional, mental and physical balance, then let’s connect.

Achieve Greater Wellbeing & Balance
It’s Your Time Now
Have you reached a place in your life where you know it’s time to focus on yourself?
As the adage goes, you can’t pour from an empty cup.
Gain clarity on what you’d love to focus on and achieve as you move forward in your life whether it be in your career, finances, family or health and wellbeing and set clear, actionable steps to get there.
Dissolve grief and trauma so that you shave years of your life, feel lighter, and experience a deeper sense of inner fulfilment by connecting with yourself and others.
By asking quality questions, we’ll work together to identify your current challenges and dissolve the suffering associated with them so that you achieve a sense of calm.
What My Clients Say
From The Blog
Who’s stealing your joy?
Theodore Roosevelt said “ Comparison is the thief of Joy”. It’s so true, because making comparisons takes us out of what’s here right now, and into the past, or into someone else’s life as a benchmark of where we think we should be, or of what we should be enjoying....
Are you working Hard but not getting what you want? Here’s why.
Are you working Hard but not getting what you Want? Here’s Why. If you’ve been working hard for ages and wonder why you’re not where you want to be, you’re not alone. For years, I believed that success only came through relentless effort and long hours. But despite my...
Why your hard work isn’t paying off, and how to fix it
Have you ever worked hard towards a goal, only to find yourself stuck, frustrated, and wondering, “What’s the point?” Maybe you’ve even asked yourself, “Am I asking for too much?” A client recently shared those feelings. They’d been putting in plenty of effort, but...
The Child Within Us
I’ve just been on an amazing Soul Safari in Africa. What I learned about myself and human behaviour was deeply enriched by my experience of the African people, including the children. We were privileged to attend a ceremony where the men from the community returned...
Go for what you love…. even when it’s a bit scary.
Do the scary thing….The rewards are so much greater than doing the comfortable, easy thing. What is it that you do when you’re avoiding something that you know is important to do to achieve a goal you’d love, that’s a bit scary? My default is tidying, getting...
Imagining is the first step of creating
Crafting Your Reality: The Journey of imagination To create something you want in your life, first you have to imagine it. Sounds simple, right? Yet the power of imagination extends far beyond planning the next dinner or holiday. It's a force that shapes our reality,...