A new year and other changes

A new year and other changes

At this time of year we hear lots of talk about making new year’s resolutions. The urge to make resolutions about committing to doing things differently comes from the part of us that wants something more in our lives. At the start of a new year, when things are...
Universal Laws – why understanding them is vital

Universal Laws – why understanding them is vital

Have you ever parked in a place you’ve parked before but the council has re-zoned it so that you receive a fine for parking illegally? Have you been outraged by the impact of the small print in a document which delivers unpleasant consequences to you? Have you tried...
Feedback: irritant or growth opportunity?

Feedback: irritant or growth opportunity?

When we experience symptoms in the body we have a choice about how we respond. We can see a headache as an inconvenient symptom and take a headache tablet. Or we can see it as feedback. Does it signal too much caffeine, not enough sleep, dehydration or trying to do...
How much choice do we really have?

How much choice do we really have?

Do you sometimes feel like you have no choice? That life/your partner/your boss have delivered conditions which you must meet, with no say in the matter? If you said ‘yes’, you’re probably human. It’s common to experience feelings of lack of autonomy or control over...