Have you ever worked hard towards a goal, only to find yourself stuck, frustrated, and wondering, “What’s the point?” Maybe you’ve even asked yourself, “Am I asking for too much?”

A client recently shared those feelings. They’d been putting in plenty of effort, but weren’t seeing results. And when that happens, an unhelpful story can start to unfold in our minds, usually unconsciously: “Maybe I’m not capable of getting what I want. Maybe I’m not smart enough. Maybe I don’t have what it takes to get what I’d love”

Sound familiar? You’re not alone.

We’ve all heard the phrase, “Feel the fear and do it anyway.” It’s a great mantra, reminding us to push through fear and take action. But here’s the real key: What you do matters just as much as taking action itself.

The Problem with “Staying Busy”

We can easily get caught up in the cycle of staying busy—taking action after action—and still feel like we’re spinning our wheels. You might be making moves, but are they the right ones? That’s where frustration often sets in. You feel like you’re working hard, yet your goals don’t seem to be coming into fruition..

Here’s the thing – not all action will lead you to your goal.

In fact, it’s often only in hindsight that we realise that some of the actions we took were leading us in the wrong direction. These might have been steps that seemed promising, or came from well-meaning advice. But ultimately, they didn’t get us any closer to what we truly wanted.

Why You Need a Clear Vision

Having a clear picture of what you want is crucial. You wouldn’t set off on a road trip without a destination in mind. The same goes for your goals.

Knowing where you’re going is the first step. But it’s the actions you take to get there that determine whether or not you actually arrive.

Here’s something that’s often overlooked: maintaining a focus on your vision—the destination—is critical for your success.

Why Feelings Matter More Than You Think

Our feelings drive our actions. The problem is, if those feelings are rooted in fear, frustration, or scarcity, the actions they inspire are unlikely to lead you towards.  a life you love.

Think about it. If your goal is financial abundance but your actions are driven by a fear of losing money, what happens? Your energy is focused on protecting what you have, not growing your wealth. From that place of fear and scarcity, it’s hard to tap into the creativity, wisdom, and intuition that will guide you towards real abundance.

The same applies to other areas of your life. For instance, let’s say you’re worried about your teenager making risky decisions. If your feelings are rooted in fear, you might impose strict curfews or lecture them about the dangers of bad choices. Not only might this not be helpful in getting them to make wise choices – a desire to feel independent may see them choosing exactly what you don’t want them to do, in rebellion.

Contrast this with a different approach: If your vision is a healthy, well-adjusted teenager who makes wise decisions more often than not, your actions might focus on fostering open communication, mutual trust, and helping them make informed choices. This approach aligns with your true vision, not just your fear of what might go wrong.

Shifting Your Focus: How to Align Your Actions with Your Vision

Here’s how you can start taking actions that are aligned with what you truly want:

1.Get clear on your vision.
What do you really want? Be specific and allow yourself to dream big. Whether it’s financial freedom, a fulfilling relationship, or personal growth, the clearer you are, the better.

2.Feel it as if it’s already happening.
Picture yourself having already achieved your goal. How does it feel? Really sit with that feeling. This step is key because it helps you shift your emotional state to one of abundance, not scarcity.

3.Identify the next step from that place.
Now, from that space of abundance and possibility, ask yourself: What’s the next action I can take to bring this vision into my life? Trust that your intuition will guide you to the right step.

4.Take action.
Once you’ve identified the next step, go for it! Action that is rooted in a clear vision and positive emotion will propel you forward in ways that fear-based actions simply can’t.

Putting It All Together

The difference between staying busy and taking purposeful, aligned action is huge. When your actions are fuelled by fear, frustration, or scarcity, they might seem like progress, but they rarely lead to what you truly want.

On the other hand, when you’re clear on your vision, deeply connected to how it will feel to achieve it, and acting from that positive space, you’ll find yourself not just moving forward, but moving towards a life you love.

So, ask yourself: Are your actions taking you towards your vision, or just keeping you busy? The answer could change everything.

If you’re ready to start aligning your actions with your true desires, I encourage you to take that first step today.

Stay connected to your vision, and watch what unfolds.

What’s your next step toward what you truly want?


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