Have you ever parked in a place you’ve parked before but the council has re-zoned it so that you receive a fine for parking illegally?

Have you been outraged by the impact of the small print in a document

which delivers unpleasant consequences to you?

Have you tried to argue with a government agency about what should

be applied to you that you see as fair and just, only to meet resistance

and being told ‘those are the rules’?

Our not knowing the rules doesn’t mean that the rules don’t apply to us.

This is true, whether we are talking about parking laws, or universal laws

which govern all of existence.

I’m going to talk about one of the natural laws – the law of polarity.  

This is the law which demonstrates that opposites are a part of the whole.  

We can see positives and negatives as two completely different things,

when in fact they are the opposite ends of the same pole.

Whether we are looking at peace and war, health and sickness, support

and challenge – these are all opposites, yet they complement each other

and form part of the indivisible whole.

Thus we never have peace without war, health without sickness, support

without challenge.

Knowing that both are always present can reduce stress, anxiety and

resentment in any given moment.

Our greatest growth is at the border of support and challenge.

If we are overly supported, we become dependent and if we are overly

challenged we lack the confidence and resilience to take action.

But in reality each of these extremes is still a perception, for whenever

we are supported in an area of our life, we are being challenged at the

same time equally.  Nature is always providing both sides and the more

conscious we are of this reality, the greater the command we will have

over our lives.

Have you ever had a situation where you encountered challenges that

you felt were unpleasant and events occurred that you perceived as


Perhaps you felt that someone had done you a great disservice, or

you had made a terrible mistake yourself?

And then at a future point, days or weeks or months later, you were

able to recognise that in fact that terrible event had brought about some

great gifts for which you were grateful?

The reality is that in every crisis there is a blessing, in every challenging

situation we are also being supported, and in every seemingly beneficial

situation there are drawbacks.

Have you longed for a relationship, and when it arrived you had a

perception that you had attained a happy partnership?

Then gradually you began to recognise that you found yourself making

sacrifices, doing things that weren’t your preferred way to spend time,

spending money on things which didn’t accord with your financial plans?

Or, you landed the job of your dreams and perceived that you were on

the path to fulfilling and rewarding pursuits in your career, only to

discover that there were many new systems to be learnt which were

tedious and confronting. Or colleagues whose personalities and

behaviours required mental gymnastics to manage?

These are but a few examples of the law of polarity.  We never have

one side without the other.

In any relationship, whether it is a romantic, friendship, familial, or

business relationship, there will be moments of support and moments

of challenge; there will be moments of agreement and moments of

conflict; there will be moments of laughter and moments of sadness.

And since we are receiving both sides at all times,  we can look

closely and see that when we are receiving support within the family,

we will be challenged in another area, perhaps in our careers.  

Or perhaps we are receiving both in the same setting – one sibling

might be encouraging us at the same time that another is being critical.

When your child is telling you that you are the worst parent in the world,

somebody else is thinking that you are doing a terrific job.

Within our bodies, cells are growing and dying at the same time.

We are learning new things and forgetting others we’ve previously known.

We lose strength in one area and become stronger in another.

In every event, every relationship, every area of life we experience the l

aw of polarity.  When we seek pleasure without pain and support without

challenge, we are failing to recognise that this is an impossible dream.

And in fact, being blind to both sides of every situation means that we

have less awareness of the best ways to respond. We have less resilience

to manage challenging situations. We have less opportunity for growth.

We miss the gifts which, when they are appreciated, can take us to a

new level of understanding and provide us with the courage to tackle

bigger and more rewarding goals.

The more quickly we are able to see both sides of an event, the greater

our capacity to keep our perspectives balanced, to keep our emotions

balanced, to prepare for all possibilities and to achieve our goals more

efficiently and effectively.

If you would like to understand how this knowledge can help you to gain

a greater sense of wellbeing, better health, and more financial rewards,

contact me now to learn how I can work with you to help you to achieve

whatever you would love to see in your life.