Do you find yourself saying that you don’t have time for fitness or meditation – life’s too hectic?

Did you know that if you climb a flight of 12 steps you burn about 5 calories?

If you walk up the flight quickly you burn 11 calories per minute and if you run you burn 19 calories per minute.

And you’re challenging your hamstrings and gluteus muscles to give them a workout and to help tone your butt.

So you could just choose the stairs for even half the flights or half the time instead of taking the lift and you’re working on your weight and fitness goals. Every day, in increments of just a few minutes.

And there’s the added benefits of getting oxygen to your brain and reminding yourself that you’re someone who is taking action towards health and fitness goals. That has a compounding effect on our ability to set and achieve other goals.

In each moment we have a choice. Remembering that can help us to seize the opportunities to fulfil our goals, and to head in the direction that serves us best.

When you wait for the lift, the stairs are off to the side offering you an opportunity.

It could also be an opportunity to focus on your breath for two minutes, to practice mindfulness instead of having a busy full mind. A few minutes focusing on your breath can reduce stress and increase your focus and productivity.

Only you know what is best for you in any given moment.

To help you achieve the best for yourself –

1.Decide what goals you’d love to achieve in each area of your life. Your career and finances, your health and wellbeing, your relationships.

2.Move towards those goals with regular, achievable action steps.

3.Affirm your goal daily – use language that supports your goals – in the present tense with the outcome you desire.

For example, I see opportunities to build my savings and act on them daily ;

I support my body with exercise every day.

4.Be on the lookout for the opportunities that present themselves to you to help you achieve your goals.

If you’d like to know more about setting goals and working towards them, or if you’d like to clear some of the unhelpful beliefs or ideas that are holding you back, send me a text or email or give me a call – I’d love to help.

Ask me about a special offer I have for February for those who are serious about achieving their goals in 2020.